The Shifta

Segundo a Wikipedia,
"Shifta (or "shufta") is a Swahili term for bandits used in the Horn of Africa, particularly Eritrea, Somalia and Ethiopia.[1] Shifta historically lived as soldiers or militia type factions in lawless rural mountainous regions in the horn of Africa. Chiefly known for robbing or killing those caught travelling between populated villages or cities, stealing cattle and raiding small villages. Nowadays they are known for terrorising travellers within the un-policed lands of the horn of Africa.
The concept of shiftinnet (being a shifta) is different from one country to another. In Ethiopia shiftas are considered as people struggling for social order and are highly respected. It is also worth noting that most shiftas emerged from noble classes of the society. Kassa Hailu (o gajo da foto) had lived as a shifta before becomming emperor."
Em Portugal, no Oeste Selvagem, as armas dos Shifta são os acordes selvagens, o grito da revolta, a festa do Rock e, sobretudo, CBFF (thanks, Irish Man).
Os Shifta neste momento preparam um ataque em massa e este será um dos meios priveligiados da sua divulgação, pelo menos, até ocuparem os meios de comunicação social/lavagem cerebral.
O objectivo final deste grupo é conquistar o mundo e deitá-lo a perder, para o conquistar novamente.
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